Friday, November 8, 2013

Megan's Blog: April 17, 2013

Megan: April 17, 2013

I ran into Cody Evans in the Student Union this morning. His Holy Hotness asked me out, again. He was dead serious when he asked. Why do guys do that? He knows I’m with Peterson. Is it macho to steal a girl away from one of your friends? Don’t guys have a code? Girls just don’t do that to each other. OK. I know they do it to each other all the time, but not my friends. That would never fly in my world.

It’s not that I would leave Peterson for Evans, anyway, but I didn't refuse his offer. I just laughed and told him that he couldn't handle me. He came back with some lame line about definitely knowing how to handle me. I rolled my eyes and flipped my hair back as I walked away. I’ll keep him on the line just in case I need him.

It’s not that I’m attached to Dylan Peterson. I don’t get attached, not anymore. Peterson and I will stick it out until the basketball season ends, though. We both like the game and he has season tickets. It would be stupid to hang it up before then. It’ll be easier if he makes the motion to end it. Guys’ egos are so fragile. Once we've played out, I’ll move on to Evans or some other hard body without regrets.

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