Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Sarah's Journal: May 18, 2013

Sarah:  May 18, 2013

Will took me to the Met in NYC for our date on Friday. I didn’t even know that was possible. It turns out you can tour the museum online. It wasn’t like we could touch the art, but we wouldn't have been able to touch it in the museum anyway, so what’s the difference. I suppose if we had been together, I would have been able to hold his hand or feel his arm as it curled around my waist. That would have been better. Instead, I sat on my bed, in front of my laptop, in my pajamas, while we simultaneously enlarged photos to see the art up close. We probably saw more different kinds of art than we would have if we were actually there. Sculptures, paintings, pottery—we saw it all.

He showed me a sketch of the Greek demigod Perseus holding Medusa’s head, penciled by a Swiss artist. It was just a black and white sketch, but he seemed enamored by it. Honestly, to me, it wasn’t as impressive as some of the colorful French paintings, but the depth and realism of the sketch made it look like the figures were carved in marble instead of drawn.

He asked, “So? What do you think?” He was so funny as if he was revealing a piece of his soul by showing me it.

Even though I didn’t give him the enthusiastic reaction he wanted, he didn’t get discouraged. He continued to explain the significance of Medusa’s head, how Perseus captured it and what he did with it after he got it. As Will shared Perseus’ history with me, most of which I already knew from literature, I was amazed by his take on it. It was fresh and updated, and he definitely knew more than I did about Greek gods. He asked me if I had seen the movie The Demigod.

“Of course.” I typed. “Everyone’s seen it. It’s our generation’s Titanic. Besides the actor who played Perseus is really hot.”

I’m pretty sure that was the wrong thing to say because he changed the subject after that and didn't make his usual hilarious comeback. I hope he doesn’t think that he has to live up to some intangible hottie, because I don’t really care what he looks like. OK, I care a little bit, but looks aren’t everything. A guy’s personality always shows through and outweighs his looks, either negatively or positively. I’ve seen guys who from across the room look god-like, heavenly glow and all, but when they open their mouths they morph into a hideous Neanderthal. And I used to think it was strange how some couples seem so mismatched in their looks. Why would a nine date a five? But in my vast experience (of twenty years) I’ve learned that the five’s personality makes them even or the other way around. Will’s personality makes him better looking than any guy I’ve ever dated and I don’t have a clue what he looks like.

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